Again Razer was sent out with Zilius Zox, the two attacking a Green Lantern by the name of Shyir Rev on a desolate planet. Razer then stood by and merely watched while Zox murdered M'Ten, the Green Lantern power ring flying off afterward.Įighteen months passed with yet more Frontier Green Lanterns falling to the ranks of the Red. As far as Zox was concerned, however, that wasn't necessarily a bad outcome, as he took pleasure in hunting their victims down and destroying them. While Razer was the one to spring the trap, initially, he was hesitant to strike the killing bow, stating that any Green Lanterns they killed would only give rise to more when their rings sought out new worthy keepers. One of Razer and Zox's first victims was Green Lantern M'Ten, who the two ambushed in open space. Those Green Lanterns who patrolled Frontier Space, the sectors on the edge of Guardian Space, were often selected and given only basic instruction through their rings, as it would take them eighteen months to reach the Guardian home world of Oa for training there. Atrocitus blamed the Guardians for the ruin of his home galaxy and thus wanted them and their lapdogs wiped out. It was then a red power ring found him and, in his state of blind rage and want for vengeance, he accepted the invitation to join Atrocitus' Red Lantern Corps.Īssigned to work with Lord Atrocitus' second-in-command, the bloodthirsty Zilius Zox, Razer found himself on missions to seek out and destroy Green Lanterns in Frontier Space. Angry and distraught, Razer knelt at her side, crying out that he'd come back for her, his heart broken. Ilana was partially buried beneath the rubble. Some time after joining the militia, Razer came home from a tour of duty to find that his home had been partially destroyed in a raid and that part of the roof had collapsed. Razer, wanting to make her dream a reality and better protect her and their people, joined the militia despite Ilana's protests that more fighting would help no one. Ilana's only want was to live in a safe place where they could raise a family. Unfortunately, their existence was far from peaceful the planet was being ravaged by ongoing skirmishes between various warlords who were fighting with one another over territory.

More than eighteen months ago, Razer lived with his wife Ilana on their home world in The Forgotten Zone, a sector on the very edge of Guardian Space. Enjoy and let me know what you think.We'll burn you all - that is your fate!" Canon History So I made my own version of the oath written below which I think better expresses this element. Their motives are in the right they're just not always good at improving the situation. But that isn't what the red lanterns actually are, yes they are violent but there violent for a reason, usually some form of injustice in the universe. The original oath in my opinion portrays the Red Lanterns as nothing but beasts of destruction who cause violence and mayhem just because that's what they do. But that's more of me being a writer/critic problem, my main problem and the reason I wrote my own version of the oath is that I don't believe that the original oath properly represents the red lanterns. Such as hellish, freshly, and fate is too restrained in how you have to say it which I know is had to explain but that’s the best I could do. I feel that the words used have too many syllables and possess too much complexity that it results in feeling for lack of a better word stuttery.

So let's talk about my first problem, I feel that various words used in the oath break the rhythm of said oath. Now let me explain my problem with the red lantern corps oath isn't that it doesn't adhere to the in the _ day, in the _ night structure of the other oaths, but problems with its word choice in relation to the rhythm and how it represents the corps overall. Anyways I love the red lanterns but there is one problem I have with them and that's their oath. Also, Razer is one of my favorite characters and red is in fact my favorite color so that's a bit of a bonus. So the red lanterns are one of my favorite lantern corps, both their emblem and the emotional entity it represents are perfect their characters are compelling, and the philosophical discussions surrounding rage, anger, and both its many ups and downs and how it affects our world.